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Domestika's Guiding Light

I enrolled in Domestika Plus earlier this week upon discovering a course that captivated my interest: Advanced After Effects. Despite my extensive experience as a senior motion graphics artist, dedicating myself to this craft for the past 5-6 years on a full-time basis, I cannot claim to possess advanced or highly proficient animation skills. This observation is not a result of self-doubt or imposter syndrome, wherein I feel inadequate in my professional abilities.

In truth, I perceive myself as merely competent within my field of expertise. What concerns me is the forthcoming promotion expected later this year. Within my company, discussions have arisen regarding my elevation to the position of team lead for the motion graphics team. This role would entail spearheading the team and enhancing the overall creative department.

It is truly gratifying to be valued and acknowledged by a company where I have dedicated countless hours and effort throughout the years. Deep down, I am aware of the honest labor I have invested in my work. However, I also recognize that there is ample room for improvement in terms of technical skills. I voiced these concerns to my manager, and her response indicated that being a team lead does not necessarily require being the most adept in terms of skill set. Rather, it entails managing a team, fostering their growth, and ensuring enhanced workflow, efficiency, and overall progress within the department.

To be honest, this does not align with my current strengths. At least, not yet. I have never had the experience of managing a team. The only scenario where I have assumed a senior role and provided guidance was during my time as a club lounge bartender in the F&B industry. Embarking on this exciting journey of transitioning to a team lead position, which deeply interests me, will involve receiving training for this new role. Nevertheless, aside from learning about team management and people skills through training, I am also eager to enhance my motion graphics abilities.

This is where Domestika comes into play. The iPhone's astute algorithms promptly presented me with advertisements for Domestika courses and Skillshare classes that would allow me to upgrade my motion graphics skill set. After thoroughly perusing both platforms, I ultimately opted for Domestika due to its slightly more affordable pricing.

And so, here I am, striving to evolve into a superior motion graphics artist. I am resolute in my determination to learn and, hopefully, within a month or two, witness tangible improvements in the videos I create and ultimately curate a more impressive portfolio. I envision a bright future ahead and, with unwavering motivation and determination, I aspire to continuously elevate my abilities.

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